ESGENA Call for abstracts for UEG Week 2024 – October 12-15, 2024 in Vienna
ESGENA will be part of the UEG Week 2024 which take place on October 12-15, 2024 in Vienna ESGENA invites colleagues from Europe and all over the world to present their experience, studies and projects at the ESGENA Nurse Programme during UEG Week Please send your...
ESGENA at ESGE Days 2024 – Berlin, April 25th – 27th 2024.
We are looking forward with great zeal to coming together in BERLIN commemorating The Jubilee Celebration for ESGE DAYS 2024, taking place from April 25th – 27th 2024. The ESGENA programme is an integral part of the ESGE DAYS and has a lot to offer to the endoscopic...
19th congress of ECCO, 21-24. februar 2024 – Stokholm, Švedska
Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to invite you all to the 19th ECCO Congress. We are venturing further north this time and will see each other for the first time in Stockholm on February 21-24, 2024. IBD must now be considered a global disease, so ECCO's...
In memoriam: Jadranka Brljak
Jadranka Brljak, mag .med.techn. rođena je u Sisku 1956. godine. Davne 1975. godine zaposlila se u KBC Sestre Milosrdnice, a od 1994. radila je u KBC Rebro do kraja svog radnog staža gdje je najprije bila glavna sestra Odjela, potom glavna sestra Zavoda za...
ESGENA aktivnosti u septembru i oktobru
Dear colleagues and representatives of the ESGENA group members We need your help. Please forward the enclosed information to your national members, your colleagues and friends. ESGENA joined LinkedIn. Why not follow the ESGENA community there too! Share the link with...
Svetlana Rakićević u IBD podcastu
U dvadesetdrugoj epizodi IBD podkasta gostovala je Svetlana Rakićević, medicinska sestra KBC Dragiša Mišović i govorila je o ulozi medicinske sestre u praćenju i nezi IBD pacijenata.
ESGENA free Webinar – March 18, 2021 at 18:30h
We are happy to announce the next free ESGENA Webinar! 3rd ESGENA Webinar 2021 Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 18:30 – 20:00h, (CET) How to build a good team Endoscopy teams are multidisciplinary and need to function under great pressure, lots of responsibility, and a...
12th N-ECCO School – July 7, 2021 – 09:30 to 17:45
At the ECCO Congress in Prague, 2010, the N-ECCO Committee introduced a new educational activity tailored to IBD Nurses. With this new initiative ECCO intends to give young nurses, who might still be in training and have an interest in IBD, the possibility to attend...
ESGENA Webinar on January 28, 2021 19:00-20:30 h
Topic How to design and structure an endoscopy unit Description What is essential? What is nice to have? Which mistakes should be avoided? Do you want to get ahead in your professional life? ESGENA can help you to expand your knowledge and improve your work...
Poziv na 2nd Croatian Conference of Young Nurses in Gastroenterology, Dubrovnik 08-10.05.2020.
Prenosimo poziv u celosti: Dear colleagues, We are very happy to announce that the Second Conference of Young Nurses in Gastroenterology will be held in Astarea Hotel from 8th to 10th of May 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia. The First Conference of Young Nurses in...
Poziv na ESGENA program za medicinske sestre @ UEG Week
Prenosimo poziv u celosti: U ime ESGENA, Španskog društva medicinskih sestara i saradnika endoskopije (AEEED) i Španskog društva medicinskih sestara za probavnu bolest (AEEPD), veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo u novi i uzbudljivi format za medicinske sestre...
II nacionalni simpozijum od 17 -19. maja 2019. u Nišu
II nacionalni simpozijum sa medjunarodnim učešćem „Udruženja Gastroenterohepatoloških i endoskopskih medicinskih sestara i tehničara Srbije“ od 17 -19. maja, 2019g u hotelu Tami Rezidence, Niš U sklopu II Nacionalnog skupa sa međunarodnim učešćem u tri dana biće...
Izabrani organi udruženja
Zа Predsednikа Udruženjа jednoglаsno je izаbrаnа: Žаklinа Pаjević Zа sekretаrа Udruženjа jednoglаsno je izаbrаnа: Mаrinа Sušić Zа člаnove Uprаvnog odborа jednoglаsno su izаbrаni : Bogdаn Zdrаvković Sаnjа Bojović Mаrinа Sušić Zа člаnove nаdzornog odborа jednoglаsno su...
Nacionalni simpozijumi 14. i 15. aprila 2018. u Prolom Banji
Udruženje gаstroenterohepаtoloških i endoskopskih medicinskih sestаrа i tehničаrа Srbije organizuje dana 14. i 15. aprila 2018. godine u hotelu "Radan" - Prolom Banja, nacionalne simpozijume sa međunarodnim učešćem na temu: Savremeni pristup lečenju i nezi bolesnika...
Osnovano i registrovano udruženje
Dana 9.12.2016. godine osnovano je Udruženje gаstroenterohepаtoloških i endoskopskih medicinskih sestаrа i tehničаrа Srbije, sa sedištem i adresom Knjаževаčkа 107/82, Niš, Niš – Medijаnа, Srbijа. Zakonski zastupnik udruženja je Žаklinа...